Monday, March 15, 2010

My heart cried out yesterday after Church, literally...

I was missing you Jo especially...

Wished in that moment I could transport to where you and Hugh were...

I had chest pains, it was bad, alot of pain and stress boiled to the surface...

Someone we both know is causing alot of crap and it is affecting me no physically...

But God says 'Show Grace'...

I am tired of the lying, the manipulation, just tired of it all...

But we all know how much I love my boys, and what I would even put myself through for them...

The chest pains scare me.................trying to breathe...

Felt like this person has stabbed me over and over again, and laughed in my face...

I also feel like my other friend unintentionally threw me under the bus so to speak, by just saying 'Kelly doesn't want..." She should of said "We want..."

If I am so horrible why does she have me around?

Feeling like utter crap this morning...

Looking for distractions...

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